Death of Willy Fraipont
It is with deep sorrow that we learned of the death of former secretary general of the RBSF - Mr Fraipont Willy (date of birth 06/07/1943, place of birth Vilvoorde) on Friday 26 April.
On 1/08/1982, Willy Fraipont officially joined the RBSF as secretary general succeeding Roger Verloove. Even before this date, Willy had been a member of the RBSF Board of Directors.
He was a founding member of the Vlaamse Zwemliga - KBZRB on 11 March 1977 and also a member of the Board of Directors of the Vlaamse Zwemliga until 1982.
He managed an impressive professional career, namely 26 years as secretary general under the following presidents: Leeuw Jean - De Vos Francis - Caufrier Jacques - Louwagie Michel
Willy was also secretary of the Royal Vilvoord Swimming Club Phoenix for many years.
He organised several international competitions/events in the disciplines of swimming/water polo in Belgium (EYOF, Multinations, WP North Sea Cup, LEN Congress, EC Juniores, etc...).
He was the RBSF representative at LEN congresses and delegation leader of the national swim teams for many years.
On 31/07/2008, his employment with the RBSF ended and Willy was succeeded by Mr Georges Wouter.
The Royal Belgian Swimming Federation wishes to express its deepest condolences to Willy's family. He will live on in many hearts and we are grateful for his many years of commitment and passion for the workings of the RBSF.